96 V NORM ED SPACES (5.2.2) If the series (xn) and (x'n) are convergent and have sums s, s't then the series (xn 4- x'n) converges to the sum s + sf and the series (lxn) to the sum Is for any scalar L Follows at once from the definition and from (5.1.5). (5.2.3) If (xn) and (x'n) are two series such that x'n = xn except for a finite number of indices, they are both convergent or both nonconvergent. For the series (x'n — xn) is convergent, since all its terms are 0 except for a finite number of indices. (5.2.4) Let (kn) be a strictly increasing sequence of integers ^0 with &0 = 0; fcn+i-i if the series (xn) converges to s, and ifyn = ]T xp, then the series (yn) converges p = kn also to s. n kn +1 - 1 This follows at once from the relation £ yt = £ Xj and from (3.13.10). PROBLEMS 1. Let (an) be an arbitrary sequence in a normed space E; show that there exists a sequence . (*„) of points of E such that lim xn = 0, and a strictly increasing sequence (/:„) of w-+0 integers such that an = x0 -f- Xi H-----+ xkn for every n. 2. Let a be a bijection of N onto itself, and for each n, let • n = 0 nsaO (b) Suppose cp is unbounded in N. Define a series (xn) of real numbers which is con- vergent, but such that the series (x^) is not convergent in R. (Define by induction on k a strictly increasing sequence (mfc) of integers having the following properties: (1) If nk is the largest element of o-([0, mk])> then [0, nk] is contained in a([0, mk+i]). (2)